"Why Did You Kill Me Mom??"

Mom look i am berly growing i dont have my skin growing yet but i am alive in your stomach were i hear your heart beat over and over again thats what i love hearing your heart beat next to me mom i cant wait till i come out that way we can play and have fun.
Mom look 2 weeks had passed and i see you not so happy maybe because you want to see me already and you cant wait until you see me mom don't worry we got to be patient because i cant wait till i come out nether
Mom look my hands are growing and my legs are starting to grow u can tell by the way i kick u at nights with my hands and arms i can hug u when i come out mom only 9 more month to see you i will cry for being joyful being out and seeing the day light.
Mom look what seems to be wrong has your day been a long day that u did not enjoy because you wont stop arguing with your dad and what is he talking about an abortion what is that mom i want to know because its getting you very sad and making you cry and makes u think a lot
Mom look i am already thinking on what i want my first word to be i am thinking on it being i love you mom and that i want you to know that you will be the best mom ever mom i hope you are ready for the things i am thinking on telling you when i get out.
Mom do you still want me because lately i be hearing you talk to your friends they tell you not to do it that they would keep me mom i don't want to go with them i want to stay with you please don't let me go with them let me stay with my mom that i have been waiting for.
Mom what are you trying to get out because you told the doctor to get it out and you were crying when you told the doctor that mom do you have something bad in your body that you want to get rid of mom is it bad what you have in your body that you told the doctor you will come tomorrow to get it out
Mom the day has come for you to get the bad thing out of your body but mom why do you keep crying if your going to be happy and better when the doctor gets it out don't worry mom every thing is going to be ok i will be there with you while you have it out just don't cry
Mom why those the doctor need a needle for mom i guess i get to see you early because i am coming out mom can you tell the doctor to be a little bet gentle because he is hurting me mom it hurts so much please make him go gentle mom his destroying me mom no mom I dont want to see you like this my hands are tern apart my head is cut off mom is this how you wanted to see me
Mom know i am in a place called heaven were i learned what an abortion means mom why didnt you want me why did you have me if you were going to kill me but mom i was still happy being in your stomach because your heart told me that you still loved me mom dont worry about me i will see you up here when u come up i love you Mom i still cry because i still wanted to be with you and i wanted you to shelter me but you had to kill me